M&A Hosting Solutions

Detailed Information

This hosting provider, founded in 2021, has quickly established itself as a reliable service in the local market. Specializing in web hosting, the company offers affordable shared hosting solutions with robust features like NVMe SSD storage. Known for its consistent uptime and professional support, the company has gained a loyal customer base, with over 4,500 active clients, 3,500 using its hosting services, and 4,000 domain registrations.

The company sees an annual customer and revenue growth of 25%, making it an attractive acquisition target with room for further expansion. Operating with a small team of five employees, the business maintains a healthy 40% profit margin. Additionally, the company does not own physical assets, as all servers are leased from third-party providers.

Financial Overview:

Additional Information


Company Name: Undisclosed

Asking Price: N/D

Company Location: Bangladesh

Customer Base: Bangladesh

Region: Bangladesh

Services Offered: Shared hosting


Revenue 2022: $92,000

Revenue 2023: $125,000

EBiTDA: Undisclosed%

Active Services: 4500

Active Domains: 4000

Hosting Accounts: 3500

New Hosting Accounts/Month: 100+

New Domain Registrations/Month: 100+

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