M&A Hosting Solutions

Detailed Information

This mature and thriving adult hosting business has consistently grown over the past few years, solidifying its position in the niche market of adult entertainment hosting. The company specializes in offering hosting solutions tailored to the adult industry, including shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, adult scripts, and adult themes. The business currently manages 1,708 active services.

Revenue performance:

This consistent revenue growth is supported by a strong profit margin of 45%, making it a financially sound and scalable business.


The business offers a variety of hosting solutions, each catering to the unique needs of adult industry professionals. Shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, and tailored adult scripts and themes contribute to the diverse service portfolio.

Client base:

The majority of clients are based in the United States, and the business has carved out a unique niche by focusing specifically on the adult entertainment industry. This specialization has enabled the company to build a loyal client base.

Additional Information


Company Name: Undisclosed

Asking Price: $1,500,000

Company Location: USA

Customer Base: USA

Region: USA

Services Offered: Adult hosting (shared, VPS)


Revenue 2022: $302,670

Revenue 2023: $431,478

EBiTDA: 45%

Active Services: 1708

Active Domains: Undisclosed

Hosting Accounts: 1708

New Hosting Accounts/Month: 11-50

New Domain Registrations/Month: 11-50

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