WHMCS hike costs for 2025

The rising prices and stagnation in platform development, with its owners seemingly ignoring the needs of the community, could lead to a greater loss of customers in the long term if a suitable alternative emerges, as demonstrated by users' experiments in attempting to move away from WHMCS.

WebPros and Vultr introduce WP Squared on Vultr Marketplace

WebPros, the company behind well-known hosting management platforms like cPanel and Plesk, has teamed up with Vultr, a global cloud infrastructure provider, to launch WP...

SocialBee joins WebPros – what this means for the hosting industry

SocialBee proudly announced its recent acquisition by WebPros, joining the ranks of industry giants like cPanel, Plesk, and WHMCS. This significant development marks a new chapter for SocialBee and promises exciting opportunities for both the company and the broader WebPros ecosystem.

New feature in Plesk Panel: integration with Codeable

Plesk Panel, one of the leading server management panels, has introduced a new integration with Codeable – a global freelance marketplace specializing in WordPress. This new feature is available by default in WP Toolkit on selected Plesk servers, allowing customers to easily find WordPress experts to solve problems and complete projects.

10 Must-See Exhibitors at CloudFest 2024

Are you planning to attend CloudFest this year but have limited time to explore all the companies present? We’ve prepared a condensed list of this...
